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Quote for Single Shipment Cargo Insurance


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Quote for Single Shipment Cargo Insurance

Goods to Be Insured


Professionally packed is defined as original manufacturer packaging or packed by a professional packer (e.g. shipper, moving company or packaging company)

Insured Value

$ 0
$ 0

Quote for Single Shipment Cargo Insurance

Special Terms

Quote for Single Shipment Cargo Insurance


Enter an internal reference number to enable quick and easy retrieval of saved shipments.

Enter any identifying marks or numbers such as container number or external shipping number.


Please select the coverage that meets your needs.

  • Cargo ICC (A) CL 382

    All Risk


        • Fire or Explosion

        • Vessel or craft being sunk or capsized

        • Vessel or craft being stranded or grounded

        • Collision and overturning or derailment

        • General average and salvage charges

        • Jettison

        • Washing overboard

        • Earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning

        • Total loss whilst loading or unloading

        • Entry of sea, lake or river water

        • Damage caused by harsh weather conditions

        • Theft, shortage and disappearance

        • Damage incurred whilst loading or unloading

        • Breakage or extraordinary leakage

        • Contamination caused by other cargo

      • Not included in the plan

        • Condensation

        • Inherent vice of the insured commodity

        • Insufficiency or unsuitability of packing

        • Delay

    Add cover for:

  • Cargo ICC (C) CL 384

    Limited Cover


        • Fire or Explosion

        • Vessel or craft being sunk or capsized

        • Vessel or craft being stranded or grounded

        • Collision and overturning or derailment

        • General average and salvage charges

        • Jettison

        • Washing overboard

        • Earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning

        • Total loss whilst loading or unloading

        • Entry of sea, lake or river water

        • Damage caused by harsh weather conditions

        • Theft, shortage and disappearance

        • Damage incurred whilst loading or unloading

        • Breakage or extraordinary leakage

        • Contamination caused by other cargo

      • Not included in the plan

        • Condensation

        • Inherent vice of the insured commodity

        • Insufficiency or unsuitability of packing

        • Delay

    Add cover for:

Quote for Single Shipment Cargo Insurance

General Information

Quote for Single Shipment Cargo Insurance

By confirming and submitting your information, you will receive a quote via email.

Step 1: Review your information

Policyholder Edit
Do you already have an existing policy with CG?
Personal Details
Date of Birth
Business Details
Organization Name
Organization Website
Describe the Business Activity
Year Established
Is the insured party same as policyholder?
What type of cover do you need?
Insured Goods Edit
Fragile Goods?
Fragile Goods Percentage
Condition of Goods
Existing Damage
Professionally Packed?
Insured Value
Goods Value / Invoice Value
Freight and Other Expenses
Imaginary Profit
Special Terms Edit
Loss Payable to
The Person or Entity to Collect the Proceeds of a Claim Settlement:,
Letter of Credit
Special Terms:
Voyage Edit
Method of Shippment
Vessel Name
Start Date - Est. Date of Arrival
No known losses at the certificate issue date.
Type of Shipment
Bill of Lading (AWB/BL)
Your Reference
Marks & Numbers
Coverage Edit
Insurance covered chosen:
Institute War Clauses CL 385
Institute Strikes Clauses CL 386
General Info Edit
Have you ever had a cargo insurance cancelled, declined or had any special terms imposed?
Does a lender or bank have any interest in the shipment of goods?
Have any parties involved ever been convicted or accused of a crime?

Step 2: Confirmation


I/We declare that the statements and particulars given in this application are true and complete and that withholding information or supplying false or incomplete information will render the agreement void. If the information supplied on this application changes between the date of completion of this application and the effective date of the insurance, I/We shall notify the Company of the changes and the Company reserves the right to modify or withdraw the quoted terms and conditions.

Binding Terms

I/We also agree and understand that the declaration, online application and insurance contract become binding once I/We make a payment on the issued insurance policy. An insurance policy is considered issued once the Policy Schedule has been produced following a binding order. A digitally produced policy that contains an authorized hand-written electronic signature is also considered valid and legally binding for the purposes hereof.

Thank you!

We will email you our detailed quotation within the next few business days.

Here's your inquiry number

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Your Message Subject or Title

Hello ,

Thanks for contacting us!

We have received your message, a specialist from our team will be in touch with you shortly.


Cargo Insurance Single Cargo () Cargo Insurance Add-on(s)


Phone Number
Do you already have an existing policy with CG?
Are you buying insurance for personal use or your business?
Date of Birth
Organization Name
Organization Website
Describe the Business Activity
Year Established


Is the insured party same as policyholder?
What type of cover do you need?
Phone Number
Phone Number

Goods to Be Insured

Description of the Goods Shipped:
Fragile Goods?
Fragile Goods Percentage
Condition of Goods
Existing Damage?
Professionally Packed?

Insured Value

Goods Value / Invoice Value
Freight and Other Expenses
Imaginary Profit
Total Insured Value

Special Terms

Loss Payable to
Letter of Credit


Carrier Name
Voyage From
Voyage To
Start Date
Estimated Date of Arrival
Type of Shipment
Bill of Lading (AWB/BL)
Your Reference
Marks & Numbers

Other Information

Have you ever had a cargo insurance cancelled, declined or had any special terms imposed?
Does a lender or bank have any interest in the shipment of goods?
Have any parties involved ever been convicted or accused of a crime?

Optional Remarks

Confidentila Notice:
This email and any attachments are confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient be aware that any disclosure, distribution or use of this e-mail or any part thereof is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this and any copy(ies) from your computer systems. Thank you for your cooperation.

Virus Warning:
Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure, error-free, or virus-free. While reasonable precautions have been taken to minimize this risk, the sender does not accept liability for any damage sustained as a result of viruses and would advise the recipient to carry out their own virus check prior to opening any attached files.

Your Message Subject or Title


Cargo Insurance Single Cargo () Cargo Insurance Add-on(s)


Phone Number
Do you already have an existing policy with CG?
Are you buying insurance for personal use or your business?
Date of Birth
Organization Name
Organization Website
Describe the Business Activity
Year Established


Is the insured party same as policyholder?
What type of cover do you need?
Phone Number
Phone Number

Goods to Be Insured

Description of the Goods Shipped:
Fragile Goods?
Fragile Goods Percentage
Condition of Goods
Existing Damage?
Professionally Packed?

Insured Value

Goods Value / Invoice Value
Freight and Other Expenses
Imaginary Profit
Total Insured Value

Special Terms

Loss Payable to
Letter of Credit


Carrier Name
Voyage From
Voyage To
Start Date
Estimated Date of Arrival
Type of Shipment
Bill of Lading (AWB/BL)
Your Reference
Marks & Numbers

Other Information

Have you ever had a cargo insurance cancelled, declined or had any special terms imposed?
Does a lender or bank have any interest in the shipment of goods?
Have any parties involved ever been convicted or accused of a crime?

Optional Remarks

Confidentila Notice:
This email and any attachments are confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient be aware that any disclosure, distribution or use of this e-mail or any part thereof is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this and any copy(ies) from your computer systems. Thank you for your cooperation.

Virus Warning:
Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure, error-free, or virus-free. While reasonable precautions have been taken to minimize this risk, the sender does not accept liability for any damage sustained as a result of viruses and would advise the recipient to carry out their own virus check prior to opening any attached files.